Day 12: The first drink.

So I'm going to start this blog post the way most English people seem to start a conversation - by talking about the weather. And we've had some freakishly good weather pretty much since surgery day! This made the hospital unbearably hot when I was staying there, but now I'm starting to get out and about and really appreciate the summer.

Today's outing consisted of visiting the very pretty village of Willian, and having my first 'drink' since surgery day! At day 12 I'm not sure if this is a bit naughty. But nothing horrible happened and I really enjoyed sipping my pimm's and lemonade in the sun, complete with an entire fruit bowl in my glass which unfortunately had to be left. After this I went on the tiniest of walks around the village with my parents. I'm trying to get a bit of walking done each day, so when I eventually return to work it's not going to be a horrible shock.

 That was the main event of my day. Pain has been not a problem at all, just the occasional ache. Nerves are still tingling! They actually really annoyed me last night as they kept me from getting to sleep. I also had a bit of a shock when trying to get some food off my elastic bands at dinner (lovely) and it pinged me right on the tongue! Ouch.

Here are my day 12 photos. The profile shot isn't in great lighting, but I thought my profile looked really striking here. I also appear to me smiling - not intentionally done but I thought my smiling profile looked pretty cool.

That has been day 12! I hope all your jaw journeys are going smoothly.

B x

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mis-erialc said...

Wow! You're braver than me! (I suppose a lot of jaw surgery patients probably are...haha) I'm still really iffy about drinking sweet drinks directly from a cup! Are you in England girl? I was in London for a bit a couple of years ago and it was amazing. Miss the place. BTW, what are you doing for nerve regeneration? I heard there are supplements that can be taken to help. I'm taking Vitamin B to help that.

Beth said...

Hello! I've been getting used to sweet drinks through drinking lucozade. It was such a life saver when I've had no energy whatsoever :) And yep I'm in England! I live about a 30 minute train journey north of London, such a cool city to explore. I didn't know vitamin B helps nerve regeneration, I haven't been doing anything about it so far. I'll have to give it a go! Thanks! How's your recovery going so far? Are you still on soft foods? Xx

mis-erialc said...

It's going okay. :) Yeah, I've been trying to transit back to my syringes, but ever since I've transited to my spoon and swallowing soft things down, I'm hooked! Thing is, it's a lot messier and not as good for oral hygiene. Haha.

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