Tomorrow = Surgery Day!


It's been quite a nice run up to the day, as I met up with all my friends and hosted a 'Cheese Feast' (essentially a cheese and wine party) so I could stuff my face in good company. It was an evening filled with food, fun and friends and felt like a celebration that the day was very nearly here (after so long!)

One of the good luck cards I received! 
I've been quite nervous this morning but now I'm feeling relatively calm. I've got everything packed and ready to go, as I have to get up 5am to get to the hospital at 7am. 

Hospital bag! The orange tiger things are slippers...
I've packed quite a lot of things that you guys on here have suggested, thank you so much for all those suggestions! I feel much more prepared at this stage. I also had my 'last supper', which was a yummy homemade spaghetti bolognese (my absolute favourite). 

The Last Supper

I also have my 'official' pre-op photos! My photography skills aren't amazing, but hopefully it gives people an idea of my bite (: 

That's pretty much it for now. Thank you all for your helpful comments of advice and support. 

See you on the other side! 

B x

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mis-erialc said...

Hang tight! And eat EVERYTHING you want before midnight! It's going to be a while before you get to read real food again! :) Take it easy!

JawGodBlog said...

Good luck Beth!! You will be absolutely fine - of course nervous, I was extremely nervous right before going in but managed to hold it together. They will take such good care of you. Just be patient with yourself. I had to get to the hospital really early too (are you in London?) but my surgery was not until about 12pm in the end, so don't be alarmed if you're waiting around a bit. Try to drink with the syringe as soon as you can but be patient if it's difficult - I got so frustrated but I did get there in the end! Try to relax as much as possible and keep us updated! Jen :-) xxx

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